
Insanity Sayings and Quotes

“ A sane man often reasons from sound premises; an insane man commonly reasons as well, but the premises are unsound. Austin O&...

A sane man often reasons from sound premises; an insane man commonly reasons as well, but the premises are unsound.
Austin O'Malley
Great wits are sure to madness near allied; And thin partitions do their bonds divide.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
Marcus Aurelius
All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher.     
Ambrose Bierce
Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.
Ray Bradbury
A man who is "of sound mind" is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key.
Paul Valry
Madness need not be all breakdown. It may also be break-through.     
R.D. Laing
Temporary madness may be necessary in some cases, to cleanse and renovate the mind; just as a fit of illness is to carry off the humours of the body.
Augustus William Hare And Julius Charles Hare
A man should not strive to eliminate his complexes, but to get into accord with them; they are legitimately what directs his conduct in the world.     
Sigmund Freud
Insanity is often the logic of an accurate mind overtasked.     
Oliver Wendell Holmes
When we remember that we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.     
Mark Twain
Madness is the result not of uncertainty but of certainty.     
Friedrich Nietzsche
Madness is to think of too many things in succession too fast, or of one thing too exclusively.     
The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
Marcus Aurelius
No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness.
The great proof of madness is the disproportion of one's designs to one's means.     
Napoleon Bonaparte
Insanity destroys reason, but not wit.
Nathaniel Emmons
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
Bruce Feirstein
No man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions.      
Henry Ward Beecher
For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity.     
Jean Dubuffet
For virtue's self may too much zeal be had; the worst of madmen is a saint run mad.
Alexander Pope
Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.     
Friedrich Nietzsche
Let us consider that we are all partially insane. It will explain us to each other; it will unriddle many riddles; it will make clear and simple many things which are involved in haunting and harassing difficulties and obscurities now.     
Mark Twain
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.     
Henrik Tikkanen
I think that maybe in every company today there is always at least one person who is going crazy slowly.
Joseph Heller
A neurosis is a secret that you don't know you are keeping.
Kenneth Tynan
Where does one go from a world of insanity? Somewhere on the other side of despair.
T. S. Eliot
Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone.
Baltasar Gracin Y Morales
There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him.     
Antonin Artaud



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Insanity Sayings and Quotes
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